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The PS-DMO operator that we finally used is the operator in the f-k log-stretch domain. Since this operator is stationary in the time log-stretch domain, the use of FFT in both directions is possible. This makes the PS-DMO operator in the log-stretch frequency wavenumber domain a fast operator that yields accurate results.

This new operator is not only accurate kinematicly but also dynamicly becuase it includes CCP lateral position changes. This is a new result at the time this paper was written.

The operator is valid for constant velocity, however it is necessary to use the work done by other authors (, ) to incorporate depth variant velocity and depth variant 66#66.

The operator used here is safe, fast and valid for both PP and PS propagation modes. It is only necessary to specify a value of 65#65 to obtain PP-DMO and an appropriate value of 67#67 and/or 68#68 to obtain PS-DMO.

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