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Datuming is a simple example of an operator that can be written using WEI. The wavefield at a given surface is recursively downward-continued in depth using a mixed-domain (f-k,f-x) operator using a relation like
691#691 (278)

The library is first called to initialize the functional operators

  call weidtm_init(SLin=weislxN_init	&
  ,                WCin=weimwcN_init	&
  ,                FKin=weiwem3_init	&
  ,                FXin=weissf3_init	),

After initialization, the main datuming operator is called:

  stat = weidtm(adj,add,D,U &
  ,                SLop=weislxN &
  ,                WCop=weimwcN &
  ,                FKop=weiwem3 &
  ,                FXop=weissf3 ),
where D and U are tags to the files storing the wavefield at the surface and at depth, respectively. Other parameters from the command line control the execution of the program (Appendix A).

A second example of operator that can be written in WEI is a modeling/migration pair. In this case, the main operator requires, in addition to the 4 functional operators used for datuming, a 5th operator for the imaging condition. As we have done before, the WEI operator is first initialized

  call weimig_init(SLin=weislsN_init	&
  ,                WCin=weimwcN_init	&
  ,                FKin=weiwem3_init	&
  ,                FXin=weissf3_init	&
  ,                IGin=weihcig_init	),
and then executed
  stat = weimig(adj,add,R,D &
  ,                SLop=weislsN &
  ,                WCop=weimwcN &
  ,                FKop=weiwem3 &
  ,                FXop=weissf3 &
  ,                IGop=weihcig ).

Figure [*] shows the result of migrating the Marmousi synthetic using seven reference velocities. The main program, makefile, and parameter file are listed in Appendix A.

Figure 2
The top panel shows the Marmousi velocity model. The bottom panel shows the migrated image using WEI. The main program, makefile, and parameter file are listed in Appendix A.
[*] view burn build edit restore

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Stanford Exploration Project