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Least-squares imaging of multiples

Applied to a common-midpoint gather, equation ([*]) produces an approximate unstacked zero-offset image of pseudo-primaries from water bottom multiple reflections. In this section, I introduce a least squares scheme to compute self-consistent images of primaries and pseudo-primaries which are in turn consistent with the data. First I define some terms:
With these definitions in hand, we can now write the forward modeling operator for joint NMO of primaries and multiples of order 1 to p.  
 31#31 (9)
In words, equation ([*]) takes a collection of psuedo-primary panels, divides each by the appropriate reflection coefficient, applies inverse (adjoint) NMO to each, and then sums them together to create something that should resemble ``data''. We define the data residual as the difference between the input data and the forward-modeled data:  
 32#32 (10)
Viewed as a standard least-squares inversion problem, minimization of L2 norm of the data residual by solution of the normal equations is underdetermined. Additional regularization terms, defined in later sections, force the problem to be overdetermined.
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Stanford Exploration Project