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Model-space weighting functions

Although the matrix ${\bf A}' {\bf A}$ is not strictly diagonal, a diagonal model-space weighting function may still reduce illumination-related amplitude artifacts caused by wave-propagation in the overburden or incomplete recording geometry.

Rather than trying to solve the full inverse problem given by equation ([*]), in this section I will look for a diagonal operator ${\bf W}_{\rm m}$ such that  
{\bf W}_{\rm m}^{2} \; {\bf A}' \, {\bf d} 
\approx {\bf m}_{L2}.\end{displaymath} (94)

${\bf W}_{\rm m}$ can be applied to the migrated (adjoint) image with equation ([*]); however, in their review of L2 migration, Ronen and Liner (2000) observe that normalized migration is only a good substitute for full (iterative) L2 migration in areas of high signal-to-noise. In areas of low signal-to-noise, ${\bf W}_{\rm m}$ can be used as a model-space preconditioner to the full L2 problem, as described in the previous section.

Claerbout and Nichols (1994) noticed that if we model and remigrate a reference image, the ratio between the reference image and the modeled/remigrated image will be a weighting function with the correct physical units. For example, the weighting function, ${\bf W}_{\rm m}$, given by  
{\bf W}_{\rm m}^{2} = \frac{ {\rm\bf diag} ({\bf m}_{\rm ref...
 ... \; {\bf m}_{\rm ref}) } \approx 
\frac{1}{{\bf A}'\, {\bf A}},\end{displaymath} (95)
will have the the same units as ${\bf A}^{-1}$.Furthermore, ${\bf W}_{\rm m}^{2}$ will be the ideal weighting function if the reference model equals the true model and we have the correct modeling operator.

Equation ([*]) forms the basis for the first part of this chapter. However, when following this approach, there are two important practical considerations to take into account: firstly, the choice of reference image, and secondly, the problem of dealing with zeros in the denominator.

Similar normalization schemes have been proposed for Kirchhoff migration operators [e.g. Biondi (1997); Chemingui (1999); Duquet et al. (2000); Slawson et al. (1995)]. In fact, both Nemeth et al. (1999) and Duquet et al. (2000) report success with using diagonal model-space weighting functions as preconditioners for Kirchhoff L2 migrations. Appendix [*] explains how Kirchhoff normalization schemes fit into the framework of equation ([*]).

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