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Module oc_lsqrpre_mod

Purpose: preconditioned LSQR solver

\fbox {$ \displaystyle \left [\mathcal W\mathcal L\P \atop\e... ] \bold p\approx \left [\mathcal W\bold D\atop0\right ] $}

		 $\bold p= 0$ 
		 $\left [\Ud\atop\Um\right ] = \left [\mathcal W\bold D\atop0\right ]$ $ \b = \sqrt{\parallel \bold U\parallel^2 }$		$\bold U=\frac{1}{\b}\bold U$		 $\bold v= \left [\P^*\mathcal L^*\mathcal W^*\quad\epsilon I\right ] \left [\Ud\atop\Um\right ] $				$ \alpha= \sqrt{\parallel \bold v\parallel^2 }$		$\bold v=\frac{1}{\
a}\bold v$		 $\bold w= \bold v$ 
		 $\bar\rho =\alpha$		$\bar\phi = \b$ 
		 iterate { 
		 		  $\bold U= -\alpha\bold U$ $\left [\Ud\atop\Um\right ] =\left [\Ud\atop\Um\right ] +\left [\mathcal W\mathcal L\P\atop\epsilon I\right ]\bold v$		 		  $ \b = \sqrt{\parallel \bold U\parallel^2 }$ $\bold U=\frac{1}{\b}\bold U$

$\bold v= -\b \bold v$ $\bold v=\bold v+\left [\P^*\mathcal L^*\mathcal W^*\quad\epsilon I\right ]\left [\Ud\atop\Um\right ] $ $ \alpha= \sqrt{\parallel \bold v\parallel^2 }$ $\bold v=\frac{1}{\alpha}\bold v$

$\rho = \sqrt{\bar\rho^2 + \b^2}$ $ c=\frac{\bar\rho}{\rho}$ $\bar\rho=-c\alpha$ $ s=\frac{\b}{\rho}$ $\theta = s\alpha$ $ \phi = c\bar\phi$ $\bar\phi=s\bar\phi$ $ t_1=\frac{\phi}{\rho}$ $t_2=-\frac{\theta}{\rho}$

$ \bold p= \bold p+ t_1 \bold w$ $ \bold w= \bold v+ t_2 \bold w$ } $\bold m=\P\bold p$

Functions and subroutines
subroutine oc_lsqrpre_init(niter,eps,maxmem,verb,movie)

Purpose: initialize the preconditioned LSQR solver

  • niter: iterations number
  • eps: scaling factor
  • verb: verbose flag (optional)
  • movie: movie output flag (optional)
subroutine oc_lsqrpre( L,P, x_,yy_,npre,W,op1 ...op9)

Purpose: preconditioned LSQR solver

  • L: out-of-core linear operator
  • P: out-of-core preconditioning operator
  • npre: dimension of the preconditioning output
  • W: out-of-core weighting operator


m.H: Spike n1=50 n2=30 nsp=6 k1=17,34,27,20,33,41 l1=17,34,27,20,33,41 k2=1,2,15,18,29,30 l2=1,2,15,18,29,30 mag=-1,1,1,-1,1,-1 >$@

d.H: m.H $B/OCsimple < m.H Window >d.H OCsimple operation=1 model=m.H data=d.H maxmem=600 >$n

view1: m.H d.H < m.H Merge axis=3 space=n d.H | Window | Grey pclip=100 gainpanel=a eout=1 > j.T < j.T Grey color=g bias=0.5 | Tube

i.H: d.H $B/OCsimple < m.H Window | Scale rscale=0. >$@ OCsimple operation=2 model=i.H data=d.H maxmem=600 niter=20 eps=0.02 verb=y >$n

view2: d.H i.H m.H < m.H Merge axis=3 space=n d.H i.H| Window | Grey pclip=100 gainpanel=a eout=1 > j.T < j.T Grey color=g bias=0.5 titles=model:data:inversion | Tube

dot: m.H d.H $B/OCsimple OCsimple operation=0 model=m.H data=d.H maxmem=600 >$n


program OCsimple
  use sep
  use oc_global_mod
  use oc_file_mod
  use oc_dottest_mod
  use oc_cgstep_mod
  use oc_solver_mod
  use oc_laplacian_mod

implicit none logical :: verb character(len=128) :: x_,yy_,t_, name integer :: maxmem, stat, niter, nf, operation type(fileinfo) :: file type(cfilter) :: aa real :: eps

call sep_init() call from_param("operation",operation,0) call from_param("maxmem",maxmem) call from_param("verb",verb,.false.) call from_param("nf",nf,5) call from_param("niter",niter,10) call from_param("eps",eps,1.0) x_= "model"; call auxinout(x_ ) yy_="data" ; call auxinout(yy_) name="test.H"; t_=oc_clone(F, x_,name,maxmem) call sep_close()

!! operator init call oc_allocatefile(file, x_, maxmem) call oc_infofile(file) do while(2*nf+1 > file%n(1)) nf=nf-1 end do call oc_deallocatefile(file) call oc_laplacian_init(x_,nf,10,0.0,maxmem)

select case(operation) case(0) !! dot product test call oc_dottest_init(maxmem=maxmem) call oc_dottest(oc_laplacian, x_,yy_) case(1) !! simple forward operator stat = oc_laplacian(F,F,x_,yy_) case(2) !! inversion call oc_solver_init(niter,maxmem,verb) call oc_solver(oc_laplacian,oc_cgstep,x_,yy_) case default call seperr("missing operation") end select

call exit (0) end program OCsimple

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