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Module oc_solverreg_mod

Purpose: implements a regularized least-squares gradient solver

\fbox {$ \displaystyle \left [\mathcal W\mathcal L\atop\epsi... ] \bold m\approx \left [\mathcal W\bold D\atop0\right ] $}

		 $\left [\Rd\atop\Rm\right ] = \left [\mathcal W\mathcal L\atop\epsilon\mathcal A\right ] \bold m_0- \left [\mathcal W\bold D\atop0\right ]$

iterate { $\bold g= \left [\mathcal L^*\mathcal W^*\quad\epsilon\mathcal A^*\right ] \left [\Rd\atop\Rm\right ] $

$\left [\Gd\atop\Gm\right ] = \left [\mathcal W\mathcal L\atop\epsilon\mathcal A\right ] \bold g$

$\left (\bold m,\left [\Rd\atop\Rm\right ] \right )\longleftarrow$step$\left (\bold m,\left [\Rd\atop\Rm\right ] ,\bold g,\left [\Gd\atop\Gm\right ] \right )


Functions and subroutines
subroutine oc_solverreg_init(niter,eps,maxmem,verb,mmovie,dmovie,resstop,rescale)

Purpose: initialize the regularized solver

  • niter: iterations number
  • eps: scaling factor
  • verb: verbose flag (optional)
  • mmovie: model movie output flag (optional)
  • dmovie: data movie output flag (optional)
  • resstop: stop iterations at this residual power (optional)
  • rescale: rescale model (optional)
subroutine oc_solverreg( L,A,S, x_,yy_, nreg, W ,k_,x0_,res_,op1 ...op9)

Purpose: regularized solver

  • L: out-of-core linear operator
  • A: out-of-core regularization operator
  • S: gradient step
  • nreg: dimension of the regularization output
  • W: out-of-core weighting operator
  • k_: data mask tag
  • x0_: starting model tag
  • res_: residual tag

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