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Spline regularization

In many cases, the regularization condition originates in a continuous differential operator. I provide several examples of such differential operators in Chapters [*] and [*].

Let us denote the continuous regularization operator by D. Regularization implies seeking a function f(x) such that the least-squares norm of $D\left[f(x)\right]$ is minimum. Using the usual expression for the least-squares norm of continuous functions and substituting the basis decomposition ([*]), we obtain the expression  
 \left\Vert D\left[f(x)\right]\right\Vert = 
 \int \left(D\l...
 ...t(\sum_{k \in K} c_k D\left[ \beta (x-k)\right]\right)^2\,dx\;.\end{displaymath} (87)
The problem of finding function f(x) reduces to the problem of finding the corresponding set of basis coefficients ck. We can obtain the solution to the least-squares optimization by differentiating the quadratic objective function ([*]) with respect to the basis coefficients ck. This leads to the system of linear equations  
 \sum_{k \in K} c_k \int D \left[\beta (x-k)\right] 
 D\left[\beta (x-j)\right] \,dx = 
 \sum_{k \in K} c_k d_{j-k} = 0\;,\end{displaymath} (88)
d_j = \int D\left[\beta (x)\right] D\left[\beta (x-j)\right]\,dx\;.\end{displaymath} (89)
Equation ([*]) is clearly a discrete convolution of the spline coefficients ck with the filter dj defined in equation ([*]). To transform the system ([*]) to a regularization condition of the form  
 \bold{D}_c \bold{c} \approx \bold{0}\;,\end{displaymath} (90)
we need to treat the digital filter dj as an autocorrelation and find its minimum-phase factor by spectral factorization. The Wilson-Burg algorithm, described earlier, is an appropriate tool for the task. Equation ([*]) replaces equation ([*]) in the inverse interpolation problem setting.

We have, thus, found a constructive way of creating B-spline regularization operators from continuous differential equations.

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