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Results in the prestack domain

The next several figures show interpolation results and difference panels on the prestack data.

Figure bpcmps shows two CMP gathers. The left, Figure bpcmpsa, is from the original data, and the right, Figure bpcmpsb is from the subsampled and interpolated data. The two are difficult to tell apart at this scale. Figure bpcmpdiff shows close ups on two portions of the original CMP gather from Figure bpcmpsa, and close ups on the same two portions of the difference between the original and interpolated CMP gather. Figures bpcmpdiffa and bpcmpdiffb are close ups of the far offset, late time corner of the CMP gather. Here the data are mostly linear events, which are ideal for prediction with PEFs. Not surprisingly, the difference panel shows little. The data in this section of the data are very predictable, and the difference between the interpolated data and the original data is small.

Figures bpcmpdiffc and bpcmpdiffd are close ups on a near offset, intermediate time window of the CMP gather. Here the data are more complicated. There are strong bending events, and dips generally change significantly from one region to the next. These data are harder to predict with a PEF than the data in Figure bpcmpdiffa, and this comes out in the difference panel, Figure bpcmpdiffd. This difference panel has much more energy than that for the more predictable data.

Figure 19
CMP gathers. The left is from the original data, the right from the subsampled and then interpolated data. Difference panels are shown in close up in Figure bpcmpdiff.
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Figure 20
CMP difference panels in closeup. The left two panels show close ups on portions of the original CMP gather, shown in Figure bpcmps. The right panels show the difference between the interpolation result and the original data in those two portions. The differences are noticeably smaller where the events are mostly linear.
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Stanford Exploration Project