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Reproducible research

Reproducible research can be easily recreated by people other than the author. Whenever possible, the authors of SEP papers make their figures either easily reproducible (ER) or conditionally reproducible (CR). An easily reproducible figure can be deleted and quickly rebuilt by anyone interested in the result. To recreate the figure, the author provides the necessary input data, makerules, parameter files, and source code. A conditionally reproducible figure can be reproduced, but it may require input data that is not provided because of size or proprietary issues, special system requirements such as parallel processing or special software, or it may take more than 20 minutes to rebuild. Both ER and CR figures assume that the environment they are being recreated in has X-windows, SEPlib, SEP makerules, and Fortran77, Fortran90 and C compilers. If a figure can't be reproduced, such as a hand-drawn picture, it is marked NR for non-reproducible.

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Stanford Exploration Project