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Stolt Stretch Theory Review

Stolt time migration can be summarized as the following sequence of transformations:
p_0(x,t_0) \rightarrow P_0(k_x,\omega_0) \rightarrow P(k_x,\omega)
\rightarrow p(x,t) \; ,\end{displaymath} (1)
P_0(k_x,\omega_0) = P(k_x,\omega(k_x,\omega_0)) \left\vert 
\frac{d\omega(k_x,\omega_0)}{d\omega_0} \right\vert\end{displaymath} (2)
The function $\omega(k,\omega_0)$ is the dispersion relation and has the following expression in the constant velocity case:
\fbox {$
\omega(k,\omega_0) = \mbox{sign}(\omega_0) \sqrt{\omega_0^2 - v^2
\end{displaymath} (3)

The approximation suggested by Stolt 1978 for extending the method to v(z) media involves a change of the time variable (Stolt-stretch):  
s(t) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{v_0^2} \int_0^t \tau v_{rms}^2(\tau) d\tau} \; ,\end{displaymath} (4)
where s(t) is the stretched time variable, v0 is an arbitrarily chosen constant velocity, and vrms(t) is the root mean square velocity along the vertical ray, defined by
v_{rms}(t) = \frac{1}{t} \int_0^t v^2(\tau) d\tau \;.\end{displaymath} (5)
This change of variable yields a transformed wave-equation for the wavefield extrapolation, in which Stolt replaces a slowly varying complicated function of several parameters (denoted by W) by its average value. Making this approximation yields a new dispersion relation in the transformed coordinate system:  

\fbox {$
\hat{\omega}(k_x,\hat{\omega}_0) = \left( 1 - \fra...{\omega}_0)}{W} 
\sqrt{\hat{\omega}_0^2 - W v_0^2 k_x^2 }
\end{displaymath} (6)

This factor W contains all the information about the heterogeneities of the medium. However, it has to be determined a priori, that is, before migration. This empirical choice for W was one of the drawbacks of the Stolt-stretch method. Fomel 1995 derived an analytical formulation of the Stolt-stretch parameter, based on Malovichko's formula for approximating traveltimes in vertically inhomogeneous media Malovichko (1978):
t_0 = \left( 1 - \frac{1}{S(t)}\right) t + \frac{1}{S(t)}
\sqrt{t^2 + S(t) \frac{(x-x_0)^2}{v_{rms}^2(t)}} \; ,\end{displaymath} (7)
where the function S(t) defines the so-called parameter of heterogeneity:
S(t) = \frac{1}{v_{rms}^4 t} \int_0^{t} v^4(t) dt\end{displaymath} (8)

Fomel proved that, for a given depth (or vertical traveltime), the optimal value of W is  

\fbox {$
W(t) = 1 - \frac{v_0^2 s^2(t)}{v_{rms}^2(t) t^2} \left( 
\frac{v^2(t)}{v_{rms}^2(t)} - S(t)\right) $}
 \; ,\end{displaymath} (9)
where vrms(t) is the root mean square velocity along the vertical ray, and $t = \int_0^z \frac{dz}{v(z)}$ the vertical traveltime. The value of W used during Stolt migration is the average along the vertical profile of these W(t). In the case of an homogeneous constant-velocity model, W is equal to 1.0, whereas it has to be less than 1.0 if the velocity increases monotonically with depth.

We can sum up the application of Stolt-stretch algorithm with the optimal parameter W by the following sequence of steps:

1. Stretch the time axis and determine
the value of W along the vertical profile
2. Interpolate stretched time to a regular grid
3. 2-D FFT
4. Apply Stolt migration with the dispersion relation (6)
5. 2-D inverse FFT
6. Unstretch the time axis

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