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Routine for one step of conjugate-direction descent

Because Fortran does not recognize the difference between upper- and lower-case letters, the conjugate vectors G and S in the program are denoted by gg and ss. The inner part of the conjugate-direction task is in function cgstep(). 

module cgstep_mod  {
    real, dimension (:), allocatable, private   :: s, ss
    function cgstep( forget, x, g, rr, gg) result (stat) { 
        integer              :: stat
        real, dimension (:)  :: x, g, rr, gg
        logical              :: forget 
        double precision     :: sds, gdg, gds, determ, gdr, sdr, alfa, beta
        if( .not. allocated (s)) {   forget = .true.
		     allocate ( s (size ( x))) 
		     allocate (ss (size (rr))) 
        if( forget){ s = 0.;  ss = 0.;  beta = 0.d0    # steepest descent
                     if( dot_product(gg, gg) == 0 ) 
                              call erexit('cgstep: grad vanishes identically')
                     alfa = - sum( dprod(gg,rr)) / sum( dprod(gg, gg))
        else{ gdg = sum( dprod(gg, gg))       # search plane by solving 2-by-2
              sds = sum( dprod(ss, ss))       #  G . (R - G*alfa - S*beta) = 0
              gds = sum( dprod(gg, ss))       #  S . (R - G*alfa - S*beta) = 0
              if( gdg==0. .or. sds==0.)  { stat = 1;  return }
              determ = gdg * sds * max (1.d0 - (gds/gdg)*(gds/sds), 1.d-12)
              gdr = - sum( dprod(gg,rr))
              sdr = - sum( dprod(ss,rr))
              alfa = ( sds * gdr - gds * sdr ) / determ
              beta = (-gds * gdr + gdg * sdr ) / determ
        s  = alfa *  g + beta *  s            # update solution step
        ss = alfa * gg + beta * ss            # update residual step
        x  =  x +  s                          # update solution
        rr = rr + ss                          # update residual
        forget = .false.;   stat = 0
    subroutine cgstep_close ( ) {  
         if (allocated (s)) deallocate (s, ss)

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Stanford Exploration Project