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An efficient algorithm for solving nonlinear problems

The solver works as follows:
  1. Choose $ \bold{m}_0$ , $ l$ , $ \bold{B}_0$ . Set $ k=0$ .
  2. Compute
    $\displaystyle \bold{d}_k$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle -\bold{B}_k\nabla f(\bold{m}_k),$ (8)
    $\displaystyle \bold{m}_{k+1}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bold{m}_k+\lambda_k\bold{d}_k,$ (9)

    where $ \lambda_k$ meets the Wolfe conditions.
  3. Let $ \hat{l}$ =min$ \{k$ , $ l-1\}$ . Update $ \bold{B}_0$ $ \hat{l}+1$ times using the pairs $ \{\bold{y}_i,\bold{s}_i\}_{j=k-\hat{l}}^k$ , i.e., let
    $\displaystyle \bold{B}_{k+1}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \bold{v}_k'\bold{v}_{k-1}'\cdots\bold{v}_{k-\hat{l}}'\bold{B}_0\bold{v}_{k-\hat{l}}
        $\displaystyle +\bold{v}_k'\cdots\bold{v}_{k-\hat{l}+1}'\rho_{k-\hat{l}}\bold{s}_{k-\hat{l}}
        $\displaystyle \vdots$ (10)
        $\displaystyle +\bold{v}_k'\rho_{k-1}\bold{s}_{k-1}\bold{s}_{k-1}'\bold{v}_k$  
        $\displaystyle +\rho_k\bold{s}_k\bold{s}_k'.$ (11)

  4. Set $ k=k+1$ and go to 2 if the residual power is not small enough.
The update $ \bold{B}_{k+1}$ is not formed explicitly; instead we compute $ \bold{d}_k=-\bold{B}_k\nabla f(\bold{x}_k)$ with an iterative formula Nocedal (1980). Liu and Nocedal (1989) propose scaling the initial symmetric positive definite $ \bold{B}_0$ at each iteration as follows:

$\displaystyle \bold{B}_k^0=\frac{\bold{y}_k'\bold{s}_k}{\parallel\bold{y}_k\parallel_2^2}\bold{B}_0.$ (12)

This scaling greatly improves the performances of the method. Liu and Nocedal (1989) show that the storage limit for large-scale problems has little effects. A common choice for $ l$ is $ l=5$ . In practice, the initial guess $ \bold{B}_0$ for the Hessian is the identity matrix $ \bold{I}$ ; then it might be scaled as proposed in equation (12). The nonlinear solver as detailed in the previous algorithm converges to a local minimizer $ \bold{m}^*$ of $ f({\bf m})$ .

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