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The base operator class contains the ability to perform a mapping from the vector-space of the operators domain, to the vector space of operator's range (the forward of the operator), and vice versa (applying the adjoint). It is beneficial for an operator to store a description of these two spaces (the reason for the clone-space function described above). This performs two functions. First, the operator can perform a sanity check to make sure that the spaces of model and data passed into the forward or adjoint function call match the space of initialized domain and range. The second reason is that inversion problems are often more complicated then the generic problem described by equation 1. For example, if $ \bf L$ is actually the cascade of two operator $ \bf A$ and $ \bf B$ ,

$\displaystyle \bf L = \bf A \bf B$ (2)

we need the ability to check that the domain of is $ \bf A$ is equivalent to the range of $ \bf B$ and we need to create a vector of that size to hold the intermediate result of applying $ \bf B$ in the forward case (and $ \bf A$ in the case of the adjoint).

A Fortran 2008 type must be declared in a module. An example of an operator declaration is seen below. In this case I am creating a causal integration operator.

module causal_mod
 use operator_mod  !Description of the generic operator class
 use vec_nd_mod    !The specific vector class used in this module
 implicit none
 type,extends(operator) ::causint_op  !Causint operator declaration
     procedure,pass :: op=>causint_it !Pointer to the generic forward/adj
     final:: causint_close  !clean function (not necessary in this case)
 end type
When leaving a functional unit that has declared a type or when deallocating a type the final function is called. In this case we haven't allocated any memory but for completeness, and for debugging, it is often useful to include it.
 subroutine causint_close(myop)
   type(causint_op) :: myop
 end subroutine
We need a subroutine that sets up a causal integration operator. The only information we need is the size of the vector space in which we are going to be performing causal integration on.
 subroutine create_causint_op(myop,v)
   class(vector) :: v   !vector space we are operating on
   class(causint_op) :: myop  !operator we are setting up
   logical :: bm=.false.  !default to having the wrong type of vector
   select type(v)   !check the type of vector
     class is (real_1d) !make sure it is a 1-D real vector
       bm=.true.  !we have the right type of vector
   end select

   if(.not. bm) call seperr("model and vector must be real_1d")
   call myop%set_domain_range(v,v) !store the domain and range
 end subroutine
The only thing left is the actual operator. I am going to break it into to parts. The first part is the initialization and the overhead associated with Fortran 2008.
 subroutine causint_it(myop,adj,add,mod,dat)
   class(causint_op) :: myop  !causal integration object
   logical, intent(in) :: adj,add
   class(vector) :: mod,dat  !vector spaces
   real,dimension(:), pointer :: xx,yy
   real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: ar
   integer :: i,j,nm,nd
   real ::     t
   !Check to make sure the model and data vector
   !spaces match those stored in the operator declaration
   if(.not. mod%check_same(myop%domain))&
     call seperr("domains don't match")
   if(.not. dat%check_same(myop%range)) &
     call seperr("ranges don't match")
   call adj_null(adj,add,mod,dat)

   !Create a pointer to the model values
   select type(mod)
     class is (real_1d)
   end select
   !Create a pointer to the data values
   select type(dat)
     class is (real_1d)
   end select
The second part is standard Fortran77/90/2003/2008.
   if(adj) then
     do i= nd, 1, -1
         t = t + yy(i)
        xx(i) = xx(i) + t
     end do
      do i= 1, nd
          t   = t + xx(i)
          yy(i) = yy(i) + t
      end do
   end if

  end subroutine
end module

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